Control, control Control, you want to be in control or Do you.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pain in Life

Pain is dealt with differently by everyone. Life is extremely painful, however it is a pleasure to be alive as well. Both positives as well as negatives are in need for this reality also to live life to the fullest.

Trusts as well as intuition are of great relevance within life. Humor is so necessary in coping with the entire trauma. It helps cope with the inappropriate fact of our imperfection in which we assume exist and we strive to be. We do not realize that without our imperfections, we will not be as beautifully diverse which is necessary in every aspect of all life.

Living is sharing, discussing and relaxing. We all need to practice these no matter what the situations that occur.

Information is crucial to live a prosperous life. You see the beauty of all wherever you look. Opportunities where and when you least expect it.

You can go from extremes easier if you are open of all the possibilities in life. Mystery is what makes life interesting as well as intriguing, however it is more relevant than you know. It opens us a whole ton of possibilities spontaneously.

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