Control, control Control, you want to be in control or Do you.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hope will Never Die

Miracles are floating as the waves in the ocean.

When you hope you are vulnerable. Everyone is vulnerable in different ways. Vulnerability is an aspect of life. To be vulnerable should be cherished, not seen in disgust. True, some are more vulnerable, they should be cherished even more, not seen as a calamity.

Youth has the desire to see change. Childish ideas are often the best kind. They stick with you throughout life. These childish dreams often drive our entire live. They seem so fixed in our minds they can never be driven out.

Every minority desires change. They are treated unfairly and want to rectify the situation by having it cease to exist. Every one desires change except those in power because if they desired change it would actually happen. The rich and powerful don’t want to lose their wealth and power that is why they are against change from occurring.

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