Control is very hard to receive externally, but some people have trouble keeping it within themselves as well. We rather put them in a category and call them something to shut them up as appose to actually helping these people. That is a horrible act of power. It has gotten better, but we still have a long way to go.
By that I mean isn’t the greatest honor that our race shares is to be free, well other than being alive that is. Everyone should have that feeling as well as that right to have that in their live. Others should not be able to take that away, however that’s what we are letting them do.
True it’s for our own protection, you might say. But protection from what, ourselves? Our imagination? We all our so tightly wound that we do not know what side is up or where we are, where to go or anything else. Oh yea, we think we know, but are you happy with this answer you are receiving. I know I am not.
We have to have order? What would happen if we don’t? it is unknown. That is what scares us, because without the rules and regulations we are striving to overthrow what will you do.